
About us

Download our Strategy Document here


This is a membership led organisation. We are committed to making your voice count! Anyone can be a member. Just sign up to our newsletter and you’re a member and can vote at our AGM, get discounted offers and find out first about exciting events happening at George Street Social.

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These are people with an interest in our work who want to make a difference. Ambassadors have influence and advocate on our behalf.

Professor Dave Best
Dave is a global authority on recovery capital. This is the approach we use when deciding how we do things at the Road to Recovery Trust. David Best is a professor of Addiction Recovery at Leeds Trinity University, the first professor in this subject globally and spends time supporting international projects whether from the White House or the Houses of Parliament.

Lionel Joyce CBE OBE
Lionel was the former CEO of the NHS Mental Health Trust, and a founding member of The Road to Recovery Trust. With immense knowledge and experience in this area, we are proud to have him as an Ambassador.

George street social

Come Along -
You're Very Welcome!

George Street Social is 5 minutes walk from Newcastle Central Station and offers a safe space for our members and visitors. Have a coffee, meet others, have a game of pool, find out about recovery meetings and other organisations that can help you.

There are meeting facilities, a snug and many 12-step fellowships that meet at George Street Social as well as SMART meetings. Come along - you’ll be made very welcome!

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