Our HQ is George Street Social, a bustling community hub in Newcastle.
Come along, you’ll be made very welcome!
Check out our fantastic
Opening Hours:
Weekdays: 9.30am - 3pm
Saturdays: 9.30am - 12.30pm
Sundays: Closed
The Road to Recovery Trust is a registered charity in Newcastle which supports people to thrive in recovery. Our HQ is called George Street Social, based five minutes walk away from Newcastle Central Station.
Come and enjoy our Coffee Shop downstairs and there’s meeting rooms upstairs, used for 12 Step Fellowships and SMART recovery. We’re regular people, from all walks of life, who come together to support each other and create the conditions for recovery to manifest. Some things we do:
• Have a cuppa and connect with each other
• Sign-up to our newsletter for updates
• Attend a 12-Step Fellowship meeting
There’s a lot of laughter at George Street Social. We’re not a dull bunch! Many organisations work out of our facility, and we welcome anyone from addicts wanting to recover, the sober curious and allies of our community. Please come along, you’re very welcome!
The North East has the highest rate of any English region for alcohol-specific deaths– an increase of 22.9% since 2019. The North East also continues to have the highest rates of deaths relating to drug poisoning and drug misuse. (source: ONS).
A life dominated by addiction, destroys self-confidence, relationships with family and friends, can lead to financial ruin, health complications and even homelessness. When faced with this wreckage, it can be overwhelming, and the isolation that addiction brings means addicts can feel desperately alone. It’s no wonder relapse happens when addicts face this reality, but there is hope.
We support people recovering from all addictions, whether that is drugs, alcohol, gambling, co-dependency, sex addiction, the list is long. However we know that recovering addicts need a community to connect to, offering a desirable, alternative lifestyle, one full of support, hope and togetherness to sustain and maintain their recovery. That's where we come in.
We work with those desiring or in recovery from all addictions and partner with other organisations to access meaningful support to maintain recovery.
Membership led. This is a non judgemental safe space where you can connect with others to create a sense of belonging. Enjoy the cafe, take part in groups & events. We also reach out to others in the wider community, around the North-East.
Forever hopeful. Embracing members where they are as well as encouraging them to build the self-confidence they need to realise their full potential.
George Street Social is 5 minutes walk from Newcastle Central Station and offers a safe space for our members and visitors. Have a coffee, meet others and find out about recovery meetings and other organisations that can help you.
There are meeting facilities, a snug and many 12-step fellowships that meet at George Street Social as well as SMART meetings. Come along - you’ll be made very welcome!